
The art of being a millennial

         For those of you who don’t know, a millennial is considered to be anyone born between the years 1980 and 2000. I was born in 1995, and this means that when I was born, the average millennial was already 15. Pretty large gap for an entire generation, I know. The generation before us is referred to as the Generation X (Gen X), which is why the millennials are also known as Generation Y (most people know us only as that, “ Gen Y kids ”).          But, unfortunately, a lot of journalists, psychologists, and other Gen X people refer to us as “ The Worst Generation ”. Why? Because they attribute to us a few stereotypes, thus diminishing our role in the world and the way we choose to live our lives.          To name a few of those stereotypes, they call us lazy , materialistic and cynical , they claim we only know how to take selfies and we have no idea how to bond with other people, we cann...

5 Things no one told me when I moved on my own

I only moved on my own a couple of years ago, and when I say “on my own”, I mean I moved in with my boyfriend. Now, don’t get me wrong, while it is a little bit easier to move in with someone, it is still a huge change of scenery, habits and, most of all, view on life.                             1.  Buying groceries is more complicated than I imagined Who thought that the simple task of buying groceries could become such a horrifying chore? When I was young, my mom and dad were so organized and precise when going to the market, that the whole ordeal would only take them about an hour. However, when my boyfriend and I started shopping for food, we realized that we had no list, no meal plan, no clue where our “usual stuff” were placed in the shop and, most of all, we grossly underestimated the costs. This is how, instead of spending roughly an hour in the supermarket, we spent doub...

Book of the month - November

I understand that there are a lot of people out there who don’t particularly find reading an interesting way to spend your evenings. I mean, I cannot see myself turning down a book in favor of a night out or any other activity, but I understand the concept of other people doing it. Thus, in my quest of finding the next great book, which will keep me glued to my kindle for at least a couple of weeks, I took it to Google for some recommendations. I admit, I didn’t have a clue as to what genre I was looking for, but usually if the short description intrigues me, I will buy/download it and read it (because momma didn’t raise a quitter). This is what happened with this month’s book. I kept seeing ads in local book stores, a few even on Facebook, but the title just wasn’t saying anything to me, so I avoided it for a few weeks. That was, of course, until I finished reading the book I was reading, and ran out of ideas. So I googled the title (like any respectable millennial would do i...

The history of coffee

        Coffee is quite a powerful beverage (and I’m not talking about the strongest coffee known to mankind, in the present day ). If you look at it from a personal perspective, it keeps us awake and it helps us with our digestive system. On a bigger scale, it shaped our history and it continues to shape our culture.         Many theories agree that coffee was discovered in Ethiopia, by a sheep herder. He seemed to notice that some of his sheep tended to get agitated when eating the red berries from the plant we currently know as coffee.         Now, we all know that it is the human nature to be curious and to want to know more and more about the things surrounding us, so it doesn’t come as a surprise to know that our sheep herder tried eating the red berries himself, in order to find an explanation for the sheep’s behavior.         It is common knowledge today that if you drink too much c...

Things to do on a rainy day

      Let’s be honest: it’s October, and there are plenty of rainy days coming our way in the next few weeks. And, if you are anything like me, you will probably feel a little unmotivated and a little gloomy on a rainy day. I’m not saying rainy days are bad (I even enjoy them, from time to time), but more often than not they can… cloud your mood. Still with me? Okay.       I made a list (I always make lists for everything) with all the little things you can do so you can lift your spirits a bit, improve your mood and maybe even unwind after a long day at work/school.      1. The Music       First of all, I cannot grasp the concept of a relaxing night routine, or a de-stressing session without some music. It just doesn’t work. Thus, my first tip is to find (or create, but that would take time out of your actual de-stressing session) a playlist with music you can relax to, or music you genuinely enjoy (it could be he...

The organized student series (part 1)

With college starting in October and all the hysteria surrounding this occasion, I thought I would share with you guys all the little things that made my student life a bit easier. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am far away from having everything sorted out (I still have those days when I put my keys in my fridge and the milk in my bag), but it has made a notable difference. 1.        Write everything down. The summer break is over, and we have to get our sh*t together, but it seems that our brain refuses to leave the “beach mode”. So, in order to stress as little as possible, help your brain out a little, and write everything on your phone, or on a notebook. “ I don’t need to write that down, I’ll remember it ” is one of the biggest lies you can tell yourself, and more often than not, you will be the only one who has something to lose if you don’t remember that piece of information. I, personally, always carry a notebook with me. I use it as a p...